Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Amsterdam! (The Netherlands/Holland)

Quick update:

- We were up early yesterday to get breakfast before our flight, but because we ate so much the night before we weren't quite ready to eat... So, we packed a couple of ziplock bags full of food for the airport; it was only after that a sign said we couldn't do that, oh well!
- Our flight was uneventful and thankfully our luggage arrived without delay (waiting for your luggage is the hardest part for me out of the whole trip!). Most of the signs in the airport were in English, so we may be in luck! Dutch does not look like an easy language.
- We met a young Canadian guy in the train ticket line who was travelling on his own for a bit. He shared some of his horror stories with us (having to sleep 2 nights in the Rome airport because his flight was cancelled due to a strike!) Thankfully, Jeff and I haven't run into any major issues.
- We made it to our hostel (which is on a boat!) and the rooms are...well... "teeny-tiny" is an understatement. We can't sit up in our bed without bashing our head and there's barely enough room for us both to stand. I'm sitting on the floor as I write this. We've been questioning this decision to save money... Breakfast was excellent this morning, best so far, so that is slightly making up for our tuna-canned sized room.
- Yesterday afternoon after we arrived was pretty miserable for us; Jeff wasn't feeling so hot and we wandered for hours, never really feeling like we knew where we were. Needless to say it was a quiet walk. Eventually we headed out again after an afternoon break to find a bank to pay for our stay. We also found the China district which has lots of pretty cheap dinner prices. We ate in a place called "Eat Mode" and it was fine. We'll find another place tonight and for lunch, we'll return to the supermarket we found.
- After awhile, we finally found the Red Light District... Oh man... I don't even know where to begin! lol The smell of pot hung outside every coffeeshop, "XXX" was everywhere, girls stood in windows in skimpy wear trying to get business (it's a little awkward when they point at you and flaunt their stuff!), there are peepshows, and all sorts of other stuff I just don't think I'll talk about on here... lol. It's a totally different world.

Since our rooms are tiny, with thin walls, we could hear every noise all night and people stomp around and yell as if it's their own home! Come on people, some of us are trying to sleep! lol. And on bunkbeds at that! I'm on top and it wasn't easy to get down in the middle of the night to pee (not to mention that the bathrooms smell TERRIBLE).

Anyway... We've had breakfast and are about to head out, hopefully to Anne Frank's house. It's pretty far but I think we'll risk it.

Then, we'll go out tonight.

And then, we'll have to start thinking about where we're going to head next.

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