Wednesday, October 12, 2011

100th Post!

It's kind of funny that today should be my 100th post since starting this Eurotrip adventure, because we didn't do anything today! Nothing! lol Okay, well, we slept in, went to the grocery store to pick up breakfast, had breakfast in the kitchen area, I piddled around on the ipad for a long time researching hostels and towns we are planning to see while Jeff attempted to have a nap (he was unsuccessful - he had slept poorly last night), then we went and bought train tickets and then went for a short walk in the pouring rain. Now Jeff's napping, but probably not for much longer and I'm trying to plan a route through the Cinque Terre ("chinkwa tare") in Italy when we get there in a week or so. So, it's been a pretty relaxing and easy day today. Since the weather has been crummy for the last five days or so, we thought we'd just hangout. Tomorrow it is supposed to be better (fingers crossed) and so we have plans to explore some huge palace and possibly the oldest zoo in Europe :)

So, not much to write about really!

Doing all the research constantly is getting a little tiring though, it really is mentally draining. Both Jeff and I cringe a little bit at the thought of continuing to look at hostels and prices and locations to the train and the sights and blah blah blah... If we hadn't bounced so much from place to place (mainly because of the Rhine cruise and Oktoberfest) we probably wouldn't be so ugly about the hostel hunt now. Oh well! Live and learn.

When Jeff gets up and brings our dinner ingredients from our room over (pasta with uncle ben's sauce [with pork in the fridge from the grocery store]) we'll start on that and then have a quiet evening probably. Jeff's off beer right now after being sick (I know, I'm shocked too, lol) so no pubs for us right now! We've got a potentially busy day tomorrow and then a long train ride to Innsbruck on Friday. Still lots to look forward to - I mentioned to Jeff that I think all of the 'awesomeness' is tiring us out, lol We just don't know how to handle all of the excitement. :)

Hope you're having a super day!


1 comment:

  1. Hope Jeff is feeling better. Have you considered a bus tour around Vienna? You would save a lot of walking and could eliminate places you don't want to investigate. It's supposed to be a pretty drive around the Ringstrasse . Rest up and get ready for the next part of your trip.
