Saturday, September 5, 2015


It's been two and a half years since my last post - hard to believe (well, maybe not, since I just totally forgot about this blog *gasp*). So much has happened.  In a nutshell, we went to Cuba as my last post indicated and we had a great time - the hotel was fabulous and the beach was one of the most beautiful I have ever seen. The water was crystal clear and glorious - the definition of my 'happy place' (I'm pretty thrilled as you can see...).
After that adventure, my husband (of a year now!) and I got married - had a great day despite the rain. Great food (homemade mac n' cheese anyone!??), great music, a photobooth, friends, family and a day that celebrated the joy and commitment we bring to each others lives.

We then headed off to Wald Disney World for our honeymoon. It was wild - 108 degrees every day (don't ever go in August...) and that made it pretty miserable at times, but we did our best to enjoy the experience. We ate like royalty (Disney food is AMAZING!!) and saw all sorts of fantastic displays and rides and larger than life parks. It really was magical (despite sweating the entire time). We left for one day to Universal Studios so I could see the Wizarding World of Harry Potter - which totally made my trip. We got to tour Hogsmeade village (Honeydukes candy shop anyone? And Butter beer - which tasted SUPER sweet); take the Hogwarts Express (train) to Diagon Alley and we got to try on wizard robes and I picked out a wand (well, really it found me). I mean, for Harry Potter fans, this is beyond fantastic!! It was such a ball, even hubby was impressed and he's only a "fan" by default through me. 

     (Below is lunch one day - LUNCH!)
                    (This was a lucky shot as there were a bazillion people around. I ran over and got hubby to snap this quick!)

Since then, we've been to Cuba again (that's 5 times for me) - Holguin. It wasn't super fabulous but it was nice enough. I wasn't at work! That was in February of this year, so 7 months ago, and now my hunny and I are heading off to Greece. GREECE!! We've got a fantastic two week trip ahead of us starting tomorrow. We're flying out mid-afternoon on a direct flight to Athens. With the time change, we'll arrive about 7am Athens time - kind of crazy. That jet lag will get me for sure! Or, perhaps the adrenaline will keep me pumped throughout the day - I guess I'll see!

We then spend 2 nights in Athens, then a few nights each on the islands of in Ios, Naxos and Santorini before returning to Athens for a few extra nights we added on to our package ( just to chill out and relax before returning home. We're so excited! Well, I am - hubby is the quiet enthusiast :)

I haven't packed yet and we'll be on the road in less than 24 hours! With all the traveling I've done though, I'm feeling pretty confident that I'll pull it together pretty easily. I've got most items ready to go, but still waiting on some laundry to dry (and at 30+ degrees outside, it's drying quickly).

What an adventure this will be - again! I can't wait to get to the airport. We love the anticipation and the possibilities of the airport - the ability to go anywhere in the world is pretty amazing and very much for the privileged of us that are able to afford (in many ways) that luxury. We are so privileged to live the life we do and so we try to take our traveling experiences and apply them to our day-to-day to make our world at home a little better - whether that's compassion, a broader mind, curiosity or patience.

Until we meet again - see you soon! Or in Greek, "α λέμε σύντομα" (I think anyway - I just Googled it...). My broken Spanish isn't going to help me here... :)


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