Thursday, July 19, 2007

Time is Flying and Soon I'll Be Home

Hey everyone!!
The time is just flying and I am trying to make the best of what little I have left... it really is coming up fast, especially since I have so many plans within the next few weeks before making the trip back home.

Firstly, a few things that have happened that I just have to tell you about!
I was sitting one day with my family at the house, hanging out like usual and one of my host-brothers brought me a letter and set it in my lap. It was addressed "Dede Amanda" with the school's address. I didn't have a clue who it was from, so I opened it up. There was a picture of a man as well as a letter. I didn't know who the young guy was (my age maybe?) and didn't recognize the name on the letter. When I opened it up, it was a letter from a guy who was passing through my town and saw me teaching at the school one day when he was visiting his mum. He wants to be friends (whatever that means) and said that he has no bad intentions (I'm sure - who would say they DO have bad intentions?). It was really eerie. A 'good
Samaritan' he said gave him my name (probably one of my students) and so he decided to solicit friendship from me via a letter. Odd - but somewhat familiar - anyone heard of dating websites? Although the people around me said it was strange that he had done it without coming to introduce himself first. Another amusing experience in Ghana!! We all had a good laugh.

On a different note, I have found different radio programs at night on my short-wave radio that I brought, from Canada. It's been really great to listening to the news to hear what's going on and to hear that familiar Canadian 'accent' that I really don't notice until I'm away from home. It's called The Link: Canada International. It's been refreshing and a little taste of home right before I go to bed (around 9pm my time - 5pm your time).

Last week I had an activity with Youth4Change all about stigmatization and how to treat people who have a terminal disease (in the case of HIV/AIDS). I taped signs on their back (about 18 students) that said "HIV-POSITIVE" and had them sit in class and spend the day that way. They were to learn what it is like to be treated differently. What a lesson it turned out to be!! They told me at our lesson that afternoon that they were beaten (e.g. slapped on the back where their sign was) and insulted, people refused to sit with them, share seats, or share objects with them...overall they were treated very poorly and it wasn't a good feeling. I asked them how they felt about knowing 40 million people in the world wear the HIV-POSITIVE sign every day of their lives - we had a good talk and it was an amazing lesson, I'll never forget it.

Last Friday I went to Accra (the capital) with Pops to go to the Ghana AIDS commission. I had been playing phone tag with them (more so one-sided as they didn't ever call ME back, but I called numerous times), in order to get educational materials for Youth4Change. I headed down there, met with the public relations guy, he apologized profusely and sent me on my way with so many materials that my arms and back ached the whole next day. I was so excited, and yesterday I shared the materials with the group who were thrilled :) It's been a great experience and I've been trying to do the most that I can for them in order that they are set up with resources and information for when I leave. I'm also waiting on t-shirts and a banner that should have been done yesterday, but may come tonight and HOPEFULLY tomorrow for our big lesson... *fingers crossed* I really want to show up with our shirts, looking professional and organized ;) (Canadian culture coming through there...)

Next week I'm going to Sega for their school graduation, then one or two of the girls will come back with me to see where I've spent my summer, that'll be nice to show them around! Then the next week we will have a goodbye party for me (the 1st), our graduation is on the 2nd and then I leave on the third to go to a 2 day festival - HUGE! On the 6th, 4 of us are taking a 15 hour bus ride north (through the night) to Mole National Park (SAFARI!!) which is SOOO exciting, I can't wait!! But the 15 hour hike is not something I really want to think about right now. We'll spend a few days there, meeting the animals and whatnot before heading back. We may spend a day at the beach, I'll head back to my hosts quick to get some things and then I'm heading home!! It's busy and crazy!! No time to be sad... but, it's there, I can feel it already. I'm not really ready to leave, but I'm preparing for it as I want to see everyone at home and share my experiences and pictures face-to-face.

Anyway, the internet is being SUPER slow so I have to post this with 6 min left or it won't go!
I'll be back soon hopefully before heading off on the next adventure before heading home!!

Miss you bunches but will see you all soon!

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