It did fully remind me of how Jeff and I'll have to pack for 2 people, for 2 months in 2 backpacks. Yeesh. I think we should start practicing now.
We're still sort of busy with the travel planning, although it's more conversation about logistics and locations than actual hands-on planning. We've recently decided that it would be neat to take a cruise down the Rhine River in Germany. It's a 16.5 hour journey and we'd have to stop over night... but the view of the castles from the river will be spectacular! I mean, what a way to see the countryside :)
We're thinking of traveling from Cologne to Mainz - quite the journey. It's got me currently looking for a better camera than my small point-and-shoot (that my wonderful man got me for Christmas a few years ago and that is still very much appreciated!) I'm looking at Canon cameras... perhaps the Rebel? T3? XSI? Any ideas?
Still - lots to do... sort of..? I'm sure it'll all get crammed in August as the details start to come together, until then, more conversation about dates, timing, and what we'd like to see!
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